Using the Web (I checked my JRNL 1100 book for capitalization rule) to create networks of people that communicate has become so easily accessible due to the overall increase in Internet usage. Additionally, businesses and other organizations have noticed the trend and have began using social media to benefit their interests. Here is a blog that discusses such activity. I know that I personally get friend invitations from businesses who want me to follow. Other social media outlets such as blogs, like this one, allow people to easily obtain information consistently that they are interested in. Check out this pic of all different social media networks.
I think that in the future social media is going to expand to the young and old crowd. Certain outlets could be safely made that would allow children to utilize social media for educational purposes that could unite students globally and fairly easily. For the older demographic, why not use social media to connect with old friends. These ways need to be explored to a greater extent to see what would happen. Okay, so I am sure this video is going to be on many blogs. I think it is worth seeing so check it out.
You have to check out this link that talks about HOW IMPORTANT SOCIAL MEDIA IS TO BUSINESSES. For anyone out their who may or potentially could be a business owner should know how to use social media. Anyways, happy end of February and beginning of March. Everyone remember to comment on something, either this blog or something else. Just comment!